Below is a short article that I have written, and that I hope, will be taken with a dose of kindness, and is not intended to be sectarian or negative. It expresses some of my concerns about the dangers inherent in the use of liturgy, and may apply equally to non-traditional settings.
You may scroll down for the endnotes. God Bless you.
A Spiritual Health Warning - A Short and Gentle Critique of the Liturgical Resurgence
by Peter W. Gilroy, 12th April 2005
There is a resurgence of hunger for spirituality in our day. It seems like every other week Time and Newsweek feature cover stories on religion. A recent survey conducted by the UCLA Higher Education Research Institute announces that:
“There is a high level of spiritual engagement and commitment among college students, with more than half placing a high value on “integrating spirituality” in their lives (58%), 77% saying “we are all spiritual beings,” and 71% indicating they “gain spiritual strength by trusting in a higher power.”
Substantial numbers of students, upwards of 84%, have had a spiritual experience at least occasionally (e.g., witnessing the beauty and harmony of nature, listening to beautiful music).
Regarding perspectives on religion, among the third-year college students surveyed, three in four report that they pray, that religion is personally helpful to them, and that they discuss religion and spirituality with friends. The …. data provide further evidence of the general theme of spiritual and religious interest among students.”1
The massive and unexpected response to The Passion (of Mel Gibson!) is another sign of this spiritual revival, or at least, of real curiosity. For those of us who are believers in Jesus, this is a good thing. (But can we have more God and less religion, please! These are two forces that seem alike but are polar opposites!?).
However, within the youth of today, and amongst certain Evangelical and Charismatics, (who seem to be looking for more substance as opposed to the sometimes, over-hyped, faddish, or café bar world of certain Church celebrations), there is a more specific hunger for a more particular kind of spirituality, in short, a return to the liturgy of ages past and a fascination with “community life” that has led to an interest in, of all things, the monastic life. Taizé, in France, is a shining example that embraces both of these foci. Other fresh examples are the Vine & Branches Community and Vineyard Central, two from amongst of a growing number of “emerging churches”, stamped with the hallmarks of the post-modern ethos, who practice the Daily Office (A long established method of daily prayer, including psalms and readings), and who are not averse to chanting like monks, though probably wearing jeans and thrift store clothing. 2
When I use the term liturgy, I mean the formal pattern for Christian worship that includes sacred readings, reciting written or set prayers, and using symbolic gestures or elements, that are all intended to foster a spiritual mindset and corporate participation in relating to God, typically led by a clergy-person, and involving sung or spoken responses, with or without music. 3
It is significant, and germane to this short discussion, to note that the word liturgy derives from a Greek word, “latreia”, Heb 9:1,6; which denotes “the work of the people”. Indeed, it is at once informative and ironic, for the work of the people has become mostly the work of the clergy, be they Protestant or not. Though, this pattern of “equipping the saints to [watch] the work of the ministry,”(My paraphrase), is a probably a far cry from Paul’s idea of ministry. Eph 4:11-ff;
Here, I will not speculate further as to the causes and influences that have given rise to this interest spirituality, but I would like to press believers to look with more caution on the inherent (but perhaps not, apparent) dangers in the celebration or practice of liturgy. One important caveat: I do not assume that liturgy is wrong or inherently bad in some sense. Liturgical worship can afford one a tangible sense of the divine and is genuinely inspiring to many people.
Learning and Warning
Surely, there is much we can learn from the past and the wider Christian tradition, and therefore, a need for humility is needed in these matters, but we are all too easily led into fads, and may be blind to the dangers of methods that others have used (and abused) in the past, precisely because the needs and questions of our are day are quite different, or because our background, especially that of Protestants, has kept us from experiencing such things, either the good or the bad. There is also a growing, understandable and needed reaction, against the besotting nature of consumerism in the, so-called, Western World that probably makes the liturgical and spiritual world seem more preferable and increasingly attractive to lots of people. But how can we avoid the perils (of a zealous embrace of liturgy, and even, of religion in general) that might be hidden to us?
For instance, how can we know what it was truly like for Martin Luther to anguish over the torments of his diabolically over-active conscience in the face of the demands of Medieval Roman Christianity, and of the stultifying abuses of the Church that ultimately precipitated his thesis-nailing on that door in Wittenberg; in actuality, the beginning of the Reformation.
Luther writes:
“But I, blameless monk that I was, felt that before God I was a
sinner with an extremely troubled conscience. I couldn't be sure
that God was appeased by my satisfaction. I did not love, no,
rather I hated the just God who punishes sinners. ”4
No Finger Pointing
Here below, are several areas of concern regarding the use of liturgy by Christians and a brief rational that follows each issue raised, that I hope, might shed light on these things, rather than merely seeking to be controversial or reactionary. There are, of course, dangers and weaknesses in all human endeavors, including types of spirituality, whether inside or outside of Christian orthodoxy and praxis. Furthermore, some of the matters discussed might equally apply to Evangelical and other Churches who are apt to snipe at the Catholic Church without due caution as to their own failings and less-than-charitable attitudes.
As noted above, I am not against liturgy, per se, but as an ex-Catholic, and ex-seminarian, I want to caution others with the benefits of these (my) insights, such as they are, so that we might all go forward with our eyes and hearts open in a way that is God-honoring, and I hope, that will help to serve others too.
Religion and Rote can be deadly
It is my firmest belief that religion (and its vile progeny: legalism, control, intolerance, and elitism – a veritable cluster-bomb of death, Matt 23:23; John 7:19-25; 2 Cor 3:6,17;) is the most critical threat to man, and that Christ, and Christ alone, is the true font of all light, truth and the only path to freedom in the power of His Holy Spirit, both individually and corporately, and in means or practice of Christian spiritually.
Danger’s inherent in Liturgy and Religious Observances
Therefore, I would like to posit that liturgy may allow, produce, or foster the following:
Liturgy - May reaffirm, a clergy-lay divide, and overly hierarchical structures..
Why? The "president" of religious services typically becomes dominant through continually leading the meetings; a premium begins to be placed on his or her involvement and competence to the increasing exclusion of others. The (eventual concern over the) efficaciousness of sacraments starts to tie us down to forms and words, and a superior priest caste arises. However, God tends to level us out, but we tend to want a King! 1 Sam 8:6-ff; “Would that all the people were prophets” Nub 11:29; “I will build a house for You…” “No!” Says God. 1 Chron 17:6-ff; We are “kings and priests”. 1 Pet 2:9;
Liturgy - May reaffirm, theological erosion, dilution, and/or pollution is a potential danger, eg., a leaning towards pre-resurrection faith, sacramentalism…
Why? We can be lulled into praying to God to do things that have already been accomplished; we borrow terms and forms (ie., from service books, Missals, etc.,) that may not reflect the current/actual theological truths that we hold dear. Many version of the liturgy come out of (even) early traditions that are based on a sacrificial/sacerdotal, and therefore, largely Old Covenant paradigm that does not apply to us - "there is one mediator" 1 Tim 2:5; and "one sacrifice for sins" Heb 10:12; - "we have remission of sins." Rom 3:25; 1 Jn 3:5;
One might also add that Greek and Roman thinking lie close to the root for the definitions of these matters, i.e., sacraments, church law, and liturgy, and are likely to be tainting our comprehension and application of the scriptural basis for much of these topics. (Including subsequent, and more recent innovations and ideas). It is obvious that the Church Fathers (and others after them into the Medieval period), employed the best tools of their day, ie., Plato and Aristotle, to devise their theological paradigms and to inform their world-view, with the inherent weaknesses or blindspots that must follow all such efforts.
We may also leave ourselves open to assuming that things are so which are not, (a weakness of all, so-called sacraments), e.g., a semblance of unity might seem to be present between all who are attending when some may not even be Christians, though they are participants in the service, or the sign of peace may be simulated without any real surety that people are all in harmony with one another. How many Parish Councils are, in reality, at each other’s throats outside of the services that they so cherish on a week-to-week basis?
Liturgy - May reaffirm, foster or feed: soulish/fleshly needs or preferences ...
Why? Liturgy tends to involve emotions and draws one in, though this is not necessarily spiritually efficacious. Some people actually fight over particular preferences of liturgy, music, bible version, or about which forms are more “holy”, in violation of the command to love, e.g., Jn 13:34:, which supercedes all of these matters. "The Spirit gives life, but the flesh profits nothing" Jn 6:63; “Seek those things that build up” 1 Thess 5:15; “Consider the needs of others.” Phil 2:4;
Liturgy - May reaffirm, foster or feed, the human propensity towards superstition, which may eaily come into play, and thus, supplant the vital place of true faith…
Why? We easily can fall prey to employing mediation (with/to God) through "holy" things, events and places (books, prayers, beads, oils, shrines, people, paraments, etc.,), that seem to "give a form of Godliness, but deny its power". It is easier to follow some “D-I-Y” method or tradition than to trust God and be patient! More alarmingly, we can become more distanced from God as a person with whom we can have intimate contact by relying on these things – Jesus said of His Father that, "eternal life is to know Him," Jn 17:3; Any mediator other than Christ is a dangerous thing. Paul’s one fear for the Corinthians was that they, with all of their other significant problems, might “be led astray from their simple and pure devotion to Christ,” 2 Cor 11:3; as had Eve, being deceived by the serpent. Religion both binds and blinds with anything other than the main thing – which is Christ himself.
Liturgy - May lead us to assume, that performing or celebrating liturgy, is automatically fulfilling God's desires…
Why? We tend to look at the outside and focus on getting things right, looking good, and being in control, however, we are then starting to displace or even quench the activity of the Holy Spirit, 1 Thess 5:19; quelling His presence, and the spontaneous contributions of gifted members of the wider body, ie., spiritual gifts and personal insights or perspectives which He bestowed in the first place! " Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” 2 Cor 3:17; “..each one has a song, a teaching, a revelation..." 1 Cor 14:26;
Liturgy - May lead us to become servers of the service, rather than servers of others...
Why? We may so focus on getting this or that right, that we neglect or excuse charity and service towards all others and personal devotions, on a day-to-day basis. This may promote a legalistic mindset that is a terrible killer of personal and corporate life, and detrimental to the witness of the Church as we tend to become judgmental because of our "correctness" and exclusive in our holy club... "You tithe mint, dill, and cumin, but leave aside the weightier issues of justice, faithfulness, and mercy" Matt 23:23; Jesus is "Lord of the Sabbath" (all Holy days and things!) Matt 12:8; " The Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking...” Rom 14:17; or as Paul warns against, "weak and worthless things.., observing times and seasons," Gal 4:9,11;
Liturgy - May lead us to become increasingly, sin and man centered...
Why? Liturgies tend to borrow or resonate with the human/pagan sensibility of groveling before “deity” and we do not realize or take deeply enough to heart, the complete, imputed righteousness and fond welcome from the Father Himself. (Though, in no way would I try to ignore or underestimate the abominable matter of human sin). We can transpose our desire for forgiveness or need to divest ourselves of shame through religious acts and participation in ceremony, in lieu of holding fast to our acceptance in Christ, rooted in His “finished work” and fostered by “the renewal of our minds,” Rom 12:2; What we do can become more important than what He has done, which is the supreme folly of religious people, and too many, well meaning Christians.
Liturgy - May lead to that deceit that/of : The older, (seems) the better…
Why? We assume that because something is old, or sounds special and "holy", that is right and good for us. It is easier to hold on to our way of doing things (whether old or more recent), and/or to begin new practices in the same old vein, than to trust in the often wacky and unpredictably, or risky, faith-requiring ways of the Spirit. God is not necessarily nice, but He is good. How many "nice" services have never really changed anyone? “My ways are not your ways” Isa 55:8; “Christ has opened for us a new and living way” heb 10:20; Sometimes, thought, we want to build our own tower up to God. Gen 11:4;
My Spiritual Health Warning:
Liturgy - Use sparingly with flexibility, pass the ball around (i.e., let other join-in or lead), and add lots of kindness, with a little dash of Godly anarchy!
Further definitions of liturgy on the web:
1. Source: “Spirituality in Higher Education: A National Study of College Students’ Search for Meaning and Purpose ” conducted by The Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA
[ ]
2. Links to Vine and Branches Christian Community: [ ] and, Vineyard Central: [ ]. Taizé can be found at: [ ]
3.Liturgy, as defined in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, [ ]
“Main Entry: lit·ur·gy
Pronunciation: 'li-t&r-jE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural –gies
Etymology: Late Latin liturgia, from Greek leitourgia public service, from Greek (Attic) leïton public building (from Greek laos -- Attic leOs -- people) + -ourgia -urgy
i: often capitalized : a eucharistic rite
ii : a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship
iii : a customary repertoire of ideas, phrases, or observances”
4. Except from: “Preface to the Complete Edition of Luther's Latin Works” (1545) by Dr. Martin Luther, 1483-1546.
© Peter W. Gilroy 2005. All Rights Reserved.